Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Room 9 puts things into PERSPECTIVE

Mrs. G ran this session with her kiddos and when I saw the results I had to snap some photos of them and post them here.
These perspective drawings are wonderful and the kids did a great job adding their own flair to their creations. 

The kids sketched their scenes, traced with black marker (Sharpie) and then colored the picture with liquid water color.

Some kids chose the center to be a street, some chose it to be a river and each and every picture has it's own personality. 

Room 9 - 
Putting things into PERSPECTIVE

GREAT job, as always.

You guys rock the art world big time and I can't wait to see what 3rd Grade has in store for you.
Hopefully I can come and see you one more time before you graduate.

Art Attack on Room 9 is always in progress!

This too is a Deep Space Sparkle inspired lesson.

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