Sunday, March 25, 2012

Self-Portraits - Grade 3 / Room P5

This session was lead by Mr. and Mrs. Patague since their son attends this class.
And just like this an art lesson turned into a family event :)
The session must have been taught by some very talented people. The results are excellent!

Just see for yourself ...

This portrait impressed quite a few volunteers when we sorted the pictures later.
Apparently it's an exact image if the little artist. A very talented young man!

We have one more class to go and then all 3rd Graders will have completed their first art session.
But they won't have time to relax.
Earth Day is here soon and everybody needs to put on their recycling artist hats, create, reuse and be resourceful.

Art Attack at Curtner is in full motion!

Self-Portraits - Grade 3 / Room P3

Here are the masterpieces of the first self portrait session we had.
The kids were so excited about this project. The results show how much fun we ALL had.


Absolutely AMAZING!!!
Another successful Art Attack on our school :)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Self-Portraits - Lesson

Our 3rd graders have been busy working on their self-portraits.
We had a short lesson about van Gogh and Frieda Kahlo and discussed in which way the artists incorporated information about themselves, their emotions, their likes and dislikes into their self-portraits.

We compared earlier works of the artists with later works and tried to find differences. 

When looking at van Gogh the kids said he looked "angry", "sad", "cold" and "unhappy".

I told the kids a bit about Frieda Kahlo's story, her childhood disease that had left her with a deformed foot and the cable car accident a few years later, that left her permanently disabled.

When looking at the second portrait the kids said she looked "sad", "in pain", very stiff" and "unhappy".

I thought that all of these observations were rather fitting and "right on the spot".
Then I pulled out a little happier self-portrait of my 4 year old daughter and showed it to the kids.
I asked them if they could tell me something about this little person.

The kids said; "she looks happy", "she loves hearts", "she likes princesses" and "she loves to write".

I told the kids that they had just described my daughter perfectly, without ever having met her.
I wanted to relay to them that a self-portrait is more than just a picture of your body, it's also a window into your soul, a reflection of who you are and what you like.

Now it was their turn to be the artist and create.
We use these instructions (by Art Projects for Kids) as guidelines, double traced the self-portrait with black Sharpies and then used oil pastels to fill in the color.
After the self-portrait was completed we did a watered down Temepra wash for the background.

Wait until you see the amazing results the kids created!
They were on fire and made the most amazing portraits and all of them enjoyed their Art Attack very much :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Recycled Material''raiser"

We are planning a HUGE Earth Day celebration / community clean up for our school.

The plan is to have each class and grade create art work using only recycled materials as decoration for Earth Day

I am still working on the individual projects but one thing is for certain, we NEED materials.

In an effort to reach out to our parent community my two little people of the house (and I)  made up this big poster board, asking for specific items.

I'll post it tomorrow morning at school, for all parents and students to see.

 Curtner Art Program Needs ...

(click on images to enlarge)

Hello Mr. G. 
Driving a big recycling truck?

Bottle cap flower and straw stem in a coffee cup.

Mr. Lorax in an egg carton boat.

Cardboard & aluminium foil robot.

Metal lid mouse.

Mr. & Mrs. Super Spoon ;)

Bottle cap and newspaper flower.

CD and potato sack sun.

I raced to school at 7:30 this morning, "stole" Mrs. Patti's stapler, mounted our Art Attack poster
on a display board and wheeled it right outside. Everybody walking into school will see it.

I hope this will attract interest and support!!!!

... and this is NOTHING compared to the projects the kids will make with these items.
Just wait and see!

Full Art Attack coming!

Sunflower Madness

Our Kinder-Kids and 1st Graders did an amazing job painting sunflowers after van Gogh's Sunflowers.

We used blue colored craft paper (11x16) and tempera paints.
We added a bit of baby rice cereal to the yellow paint to give it some texture (much like Impasto paint).

The kids had a great time playing with the thick paint, mixing and creating these masterpieces.
Each and every one is beautiful in it's own, unique way!


Makes you feel like spring, doesn't it!

I am completely in LOVE with these sunflowers.
I wish I could take them all home and wallpaper my house with it :)

Again, full Art-Attack!!!