Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Craft Camps 2012

WOW! What a ride it's been!

A month of prep-work, two weeks of Craft Camps for 6 grades, some days back-to-back.
One insanely long day of setting up and a super exhibition and school beautification day.

Last Saturday our school celebrated Earth Day by hosting a Neighborhood Clean Up event.
In preperation for this big event we took all grades 1st through 6th (Kinders had a home project) and held so called "Craft Camps" for the kids.

Each grade had about 2 hours to make art pieces or projects out of recycled, common household materials (which we had collected by asking the kids and parents for "trash" donations).

Each grade had specific projects, some more guided (Elementary Grades) some more self guided (Secondary Grades).

All kids did great and had a fantastic time!
We heard comments like "This is better than recess!" and "When are we doing this again?".
It was a rather rewarding project!
One full of long, laborious hours but very, very rewarding and fun!

I'd like to take the opportunity TO THANK ALL VOLUNTEERS, who have worked so very hard on making this project a success.
So many Curtner moms and dads came and helped, day after day, regardless of how many hot glue gun burns they got :)

You guys were the heart and soul of this "operation" and it really showed what a tight community this school is. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Here are the pictures of our Craft Camps of 2012.

6th Grade Projects

Our 6th graders had the assignment to recreate the logos of the companies that supported our Earth Day Project (financially or with goods) with recycled materials.

Mrs. Lutex, one of our die-hard volunteers (still smiling :)

As you can see, the kids sure had fun!

Our Mr. G was hands-on and helped the kids to find their inner creativity!
Some say he almost enjoyed this more than the kids :)

1st Grade lines-up for their big day!

Mrs. Kim, another die-hard volunteer busy making trash-trees.

Mrs. Lutex finishing up the 5th grade projects.

A BIG THANK YOU must go to our littlest volunteers!

These little guys have been with moms and siblings throughout all craft camps and were absolute super troopers!
Staying until the school custodian would kick us out since it was getting dark and time for him to go home.
Waiting patiently, taking naps in the middle of craft camps and eating lunches out of each others lunch bags.

You little people sure ROCKED it!

Mr. G, we think we need to host a party for all these amazing PTA kids!
They come before the others come and leave after everybody else has left.
They do their homework in the volunteer room or in between recycled projects, they play games next door while PTA meetings are held, the older ones take care of the younger ones and they are fed out of bags and bottles while their parents work so hard to make things great for our school.
PTA kids ROCK!!!

They did have a great time and decided to build their own Robots.

Mr. Nico in full gear! What a GREAT piece of art!

The whole gang posing in defense pose :)

Mr. Jonah and his super-cool concoction.

Love the back (milk carton) jets!

The littlest were put to work and had to keep the floor spotless at all times :)

Nobody knows how the floor got dirty in the first place :)

By Friday night most all volunteers were ready to fall over but the big day was still ahead of us.
We left the school at around 6:30pm, the multi purpose room was all set up for the big exhibition and we all raced home to tank some sleep/energy for the last push the next day.

Again, thank you to ALL who have helped!

Thank you to the kids and their AMAZING art pieces. 
Their creativity is so inspiring and refreshing!
The world is better place when seen through the eyes and pictures of these little people!

Thank you to the volunteers who have worked so very, very hard!
This project would have been impossible without you guys!

Thank you to Mr. G for letting us turn Curtner into a "trash art studio" and for being hands-on and helping us throughout the entire project.

Thank you to Jesus, our school custodian, who has stayed long hours, came early to set up the tables for the camps and lead the entire grading project last Saturday.
Muchas gracias senior Jesus!

Thank you to the teachers, who in the middle of preparing the kids for their big tests, let them run wild for a few hours and get crafty (and dirty) with us.
Your kids are amazing!

Thank you to Mrs. Patti and Mrs. Daisy for letting us collect recyclables in their office and helping us so much with the organization and supplies. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
What a great time we all had!